Empathipedia: Healing for Empaths & Highly Sensitive Persons

Dannion Brinkley
Empathipedia is brilliantly written with both light-hearted humor, and great soulful wisdom. Dave Markowitz has lovingly gifted the world a comprehensive manual on the ABCs of successfully navigating life as an empath or highly sensitive person.”
– Dannion Brinkley, NY Times bestselling author of Saved by the Light
Heather Kristian Strang
“Dave Markowitz has done it again! In his latest book to support empaths, the reader is given expanded tools and wisdom for how to navigate this planet as a Highly Sensitive being in a way that brings more joy, connection and delight. This book will make you laugh and bring you comfort as you feel more understood--
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Anakha Coman
Empathipedia takes readers well beyond the current knowledge base and introduces new ways of thinking about––and healing––old problems. Who hasn’t been overwhelmed and disoriented at some point? With these tools, you can learn how to prevent empathic overload and heal yourself from its effects. It
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– Anakha Coman, Corporate Trainer, Creator of Awake at Work mindfulness program and Co-Author of The Proof
Paul Levy
“In the extraordinary book Empathipedia, Dave Markowitz, a gifted healer who has clearly found his true calling, is offering his gift to the rest of us. Every time I open this book I am struck by the power of Dave’s words, as if in connecting with his true voice he is talking directly to me and the place
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– Paul Levy, author of Dispelling Wetiko and The Quantum Revelation
How does the material in Empathipedia differ from other books on empaths?

Dave: I don’t know. To keep my perspective fresh, personal and intuited, I’ve never read any of those books. But my clients have. And they say

“Dave’s book and processes are cutting edge for our world. He teaches one how to be open and confident as opposed to a lot of the other empath books that guide one to shield themselves. Dave's processes are about connection, openness, and self-love.”
– Kelly, Seattle, WA
Kathy Alexander
“Other spiritual or self-help books I have read often times deal with visualizing a positive outcome.  What is missing is all the background information that Dave readily provides in his books such as knowing how to protect oneself, when and who to help, and how much to help others. Working with Dave has brought on extraordinary results whether it was a physical ailment or emotional upset suffering from
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– Kathy Alexander, Interior Designer, Westlake, OH

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“Most other books on empaths I've read reiterate information about highly sensitive people that has already been written by Elaine Aron. They also give a lot of general advice like: eat well, get good sleep, exercise, etc. Dave doesn't waste a reader's time with filler. His writing is compassionate, clear, and concise.
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– Shannon B., Portland, Oregon
“I have read many spiritual/self-help books over the years and have never come across anything similar for assisting empaths in self-healing. I refer to the guidance and exercises in Dave's first two books often for my own development and I can't wait to get my hands on his next book. Because I am working with him in-person currently, I have had the good fortune of experiencing directly some of the new
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– Anjali, Portland, OR
“By trying to push the energy back, we engage in a stiff and ultimately futile struggle. However, by not resisting, and instead using Dave’s tools to visualize the negative energy simply passing through — like a wind that simply comes and goes away — I’m not affected at all.”
– AP, writer, Seattle, WA
“There are many challenges to being a highly sensitive person and it is rare to find someone who understands how best to move around in this world with those challenges. I was lucky, I found Dave Markowitz. He knows what it is like to be sensitive in a world that bombards and often crushes sensitive people and how to feel better. He writes about how to be in this world without being swallowed up and he
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– Dennica Burns, retired teacher, Ontario, Canada
“Dave doesn't spend 30-50% of the reading describing his background or how wonderful he is that he helps people or why he's qualified to give advice. Dave's writing jumps in and concisely describes the issue and details specific steps for the reader to follow to solve the energy drain. The steps are easy to understand and simple to implement. And they help me breathe easier and relax my
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– Lorry Christian, Portland, OR
“I like Dave’s perspective and I do think it is different from other books about empaths that I've read. He has a good balance between clarity and nurturance. It's both practical and also appealing to our sensitive natures. Can't wait to see the next book!”
– Nina, From one Empath to the next
How does Empathipedia differ from Dave’s bestselling Self-Care for the Self-Aware: A Guide for Highly Sensitive People, Empaths, Intuitives, and Healers?

Empathipedia reiterates some of the basics from the bestselling Self-Care for the Self-Aware as a foundation and then adds more detailed information that Dave learned by working with thousands more Empaths and Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs). For example, the Keyhole Version 2.0 gives the reader more than a one-dimensional understanding by invoking movement, visualization, visceral sensation, vocalization, vibration and sound in addition to conceptual awareness. This experiential, multi-layered approach fosters a deeper embodiment that has already helped thousands of Empaths and HSPs heal and thrive.

Empathipedia contains numerous expansions beyond Self-Care for the Self-Aware, which was in Amazon’s Top 20 in its category for 41 consecutive months. It details the most common health challenges that Empaths and HSPs face, and how to work with those challenges at the causal root.

Empathipedia Synopsis

Empathipedia builds up on the knowledge Dave has gained during the last decade working exclusively with Empaths and Highly Sensitive Persons. This book helps the reader ascertain the underlying causes of their symptoms, where these symptoms are being held, and what kind of energetic or emotional blockage has created the imbalance. Empathipedia helps people identify if what they’re dealing with is inherently theirs or if it’s been empathically absorbed. Knowing which of these is true then informs the relevant healing process for that ailment.

Empathipedia illuminates numerous ailments, conditions, and life challenges as they pertain to Empaths and Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs), for example: Abandonment; Anxiety; Conflict; Depression; Digestion/Diet; Ego; Enlightenment; Entities; Fatigue; Fear; Fibro-not-my-algia; Grief; Obesity; Past Lifetimes; Relationships; Right Livelihood; Sleep Disorders; Throat Issues; Worthiness, and so much more!

It gives you time-tested tools to heal and prevent your symptoms of energetic overload and absorption at the root! Without HSP-related preventative knowledge, most healing can at best be temporary. With this awareness and with practice, Empaths and Highly Sensitive Persons can finally exit the hamster wheel of healing.

This book contains vital information for an Empath/HSP to thrive in a culture that barely recognizes we exist. And perhaps most pressing at this time, it will show you how to maintain sanity and calm during external upheavals.

Empathipedia is a conscious expansion from Dave’s first two books, both of which were bestsellers. He has added personal stories that will educate and inspire. Storytelling grips the reader’s emotions and helps them know they’re not alone, and Empathipedia’s words of comfort and simple, doable action steps provide hope for a better future.

It is Dave’s belief that Empathipedia will greatly enhance the life experience of Empaths and HSPs, and allow us to share our gifts of compassion and healing with all who require such. At a time when the world appears to be more volatile and chaotic, Empathipedia can be the ultimate resource for deep transformation of ourselves and our collective humanity.

About the Author

Dave’s first glimpse of an Empath was in the original Star Trek series. Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, Dr. McCoy and a woman from another planet were captives of an alien race called Vians who wanted to explore the concept of empathy. The woman, named Gem by Dr. McCoy, was an Empath; someone who could feel the pain of others. But Gem took it one step further: she could heal others by absorbing their pain and then transmute it! The Vians, perhaps curious about empathy because they appeared to have none, continually tested Gem’s desire to experience the pain of others and heal them by progressively torturing the abducted members of the USS Enterprise.

While many thought, “How could those mean Vians do that to our heroes?” Dave thought, “Damn, wouldn’t it be amazing to do what Gem does?”

And now, four decades later Dave is more aware than ever that Empaths exist on this planet. He denied the label for himself until he had a rather rude awakening: he got drunk without drinking any alcohol. Just being around a group of people celebrating a friend of a friend’s birthday got him as drunk as he’d been since college.

This evening catalyzed an entirely new group of clients to his medical intuition and energy healing practice: Empaths and Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs). As they arrived he had to intuit what to say and do for them, and eventually could see enough commonalities that he self-published, Self-Care for the Self-Aware: A Guide for Highly Sensitive People, Empaths, Intuitives, and Healers, which was on Amazon’s Top 20 for 41 consecutive months in its category.

Empath​ipedia picks up where Self-Care for the Self-Aware leaves off.

Rèsumè Highlights
Shift Dave is a faculty member of the Shift Network, the world’s largest transformational education, media, and events company—alongside Michael Beckwith, Gregg Braden, Anita Moorjani, Ram Dass, Dr Judith Orloff, Wendy De Rosa and many more.
Deepak Chopra and Gary Null Dave shared the lecture bill with Deepak Chopra and Gary Null in front of 5,000 people at the Learning Annex’s Live Well Day, at the Javits Center, NYC.
Bestselling Authors, Healers, and Teachers His work has been endorsed by bestselling authors, healers and teachers Lee Harris, Shirley MacLaine, Lynn Andrews, Dannion and Kathryn Brinkley, Karen McPhee, Dr. Meg Blackburn Losey and more.
Healing with Source Dave’s first book, Healing with Source reached number 3 in its category on Amazon.com in its first week, September, 2010!
Self-Care for the Self-Aware His second book, Self-Care for the Self-Aware: A Guide for Highly Sensitive People, Empaths, Intuitives, and Healers hit number 3 in its category in October 2014; has been in the Top 20 in its category on Amazon for 41 consecutive months by “word of mouse” alone; is the number 1 rated self-published book on the subject with a 4.4-Star average rating on Amazon; and most importantly, has transformed thousands of lives!
Empathipedia Dave’s third book, Empathipedia: Healing for Empaths & Highly Sensitive Persons is called the “comprehensive manual on the ABCs of successfully navigating life as an empath or highly sensitive person” by NY Times bestselling author of Saved by the Light, Dannion Brinkley. Empathipedia goes significantly deeper than prior writings and empowers the reader with the most powerful, transformative, heart-opening tools to date. Empathipedia contains the most prevailing techniques for preventing energetic overwhelm and empathic absorption, and its healing tools were specifically designed to guide empaths and Highly Sensitive Persons to their best, highest state of health, vivacity, and heart-inspired life!
Positive Health He is a featured writer in Positive Health, Europe’s number one online publication in its genre, and also a former contributor for the now defunct (but not because of Dave’s writing), Kinetics Magazine published by NDE survivor and bestselling author, Kathryn Brinkley.

Amazon.Com Reader Reviews:
5.0 out of 5 stars Healing, Empowering, & Connecting!
“I never knew why, but from an early age I felt somewhat different from many of my peers. “Compassionate, hypersensitive superfreak” may have come up in my mind once or twice over the years! As I’ve gotten older and have gained more experiences, I discovered that ‘Highly Sensitive Person’ (HSP) was a “thing” (—and OMG—I could check off most of those boxes!). That discovery helped me
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– AG, verified Amazon purchaser
5.0 out of 5 stars Inspired and Truly Helpful
Laurell Eden
“Empath much? I didn't know how much I needed this book until it helped me. This book has effective tools for helping with all sorts of challenges that come along with being an empath. Being an empath basically means that you're highly sensitive and take on the emotional challenges of others -- and you often don't realize that you are still carrying them.
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– Laurell Eden, Health & Weight Loss Coach, Life Coach, Recording Artist & Radio Show Host at Body Up Coaching
5.0 out of 5 stars Common Sense not Psychobabble
“This author's style is witty, intelligent, and direct. He makes it clear that he is not a doctor or psychologist and it's a good thing he is a “mere mortal” like his fellow empaths and highly sensitive individuals - because he does not use highfalutin' words to describe arcane ideas. He speaks to empaths and HSPs as one of them and offers what he has learned over the years as he has helped others deal
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– Laura McGaffey, verified Amazon purchaser
5.0 out of 5 stars Dave has done it again with essential information for empowering empaths
“Dave Markowitz is a true gift to the Empath/HSP/Intuitive/Creative communities. His work is direct and transformative, and this new book is the next step in how to more gracefully navigate these dynamic and turbulent times for the transformers of the world. I cannot tell you how many people I have told about the ‘Return to Sender’ practice from his Self-Care for the Self-Aware book, and this new offering
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– Melissa Weiss Steele, verified Amazon purchaser

“Just reading Empathipedia and accessing two recordings from the archives has given me so much insight already. Everything you talk about in the book applies to me—well most of it! The hamster wheel of healing, not feeling fulfilled in my work, and constantly questioning why I never felt better despite all the healing I have done over the years. Finally, at 49 I am beginning to understand that a lot of this stuff is not mine—yeah! What a relief. The processes seem simple but already I can feel the change in energy when I do them. I can truly start to appreciate my sensitivity instead of feeling it is a curse.”
- FM, London, England

“Empathipedia,” written by Dave Markowitz, is for me like a cornerstone for HSPs and empaths. It’s a book written in a way that everyone can understand the wisdom and profound knowledge, fruit of years of observation, integration, and practice. Simply immersing oneself in its pages serves to clarify concepts and achieve mental alignment, which is already healing in itself.
- Diana, Coach, Madrid, Spain

Read an Excerpt from Empathipedia

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Due to the nature of intuited guidance and energywork, your results will vary dependent on a variety of factors. Guidance and energywork are not intended to replace medical care in any way, shape, or form. Dave is not an MD and cannot/will not prescribe, diagnose, or “treat” any medical diagnosis nor guarantee results — ever, rather he will focus on and guide you in transforming the underlying causal energies that are often responsible for life’s challenges. I am aware I am responsible for my own healing and safety, and will not hold Dave Markowitz or his associates liable for anything that arises during the workshop or after that may be a result of the workshop. I also agree to not share the recording with anyone at any time. If you are feeling suicidal, please call the National Suicide Prevention Crisis Line 1.800.273.TALK (8255)