
BooksFree DownloadFree Discovery Call

  • Empathipedia: Healing for Empaths and Highly Sensitive Persons

    Published by Balboa Press, a division of Hay House, 2018

    A comprehensive manual…

    Dannion Brinkley
    Empathipedia is brilliantly written with both light-hearted humor, and great soulful wisdom. Dave Markowitz has lovingly gifted the world a comprehensive manual on the ABCs of successfully navigating life as an empath or highly sensitive person.”
    – Dannion Brinkley, NY Times bestselling author of Saved by the Light
  • Self-Care for the Self-Aware: A Guide for Highly Sensitive People, Empaths, Intuitives, and Healers!

    Published by Balboa Press, a division of Hay House, August 2013

    Brilliantly simple, incredibly inspiring and profoundly effective

    Kathryn Peters-Brinkley
    “As I read through the pages of Dave Markowitz's, Self-Care for the Self-Aware, my heart opened wide because it felt as if he'd written this treasured little book just for me! Learning how to use my empathic abilities as a gift is something I have struggled with all my life. But my struggle is over now; what Dave Markowitz offers is the gift of absolute scripture, for those of us who are empaths. It is
    [ Read more ]
    – Kathryn Peters-Brinkley, Bestselling Author, Former Publisher of Kinetics Magazine
Self-Care for the Self-Aware
Healing with Source