Private Sessions with DaveFree DownloadFree Discovery Call

Private Sessions with Dave

Session Info

Are you tired of searching for answers?

Let’s face it, things are hard right now.

You’ve got symptoms you haven’t been able to clear, you feel stuck, frustrated or anxious.

You’ve done a ton of work, and you’ve spent your time, money and energy looking for answers…

and still haven’t gotten the results you want!

At your private session with Dave, you will:

  • Discover the underlying cause or causes of your pain, anxiety, overwhelm, discomfort, and dis-ease;
  • Experience one of the most direct, cause-based energy healing solutions available; and
  • Learn how to stay healthy and vibrant, and how to prevent your symptoms from returning!

By phone or video, you'll get insights far beyond conventional diagnoses and receive energy healing directly from Source! Schedule your no-cost consultation or private session below!

First Contact: Free 15-Minute Discovery Call

By phone or video, you can meet with Dave to ask questions and/or get a reading to see if this work is for you.

Schedule your no-cost, no-obligation 15-minute First Contact Discovery call!

Scheduling and Payment for Phone/Video Private Sessions


Reduced Rates are for the unemployed, underemployed, fixed income recipients, or for those just going through difficult times

Reduced Rate Phone or Video Sessions:

NOTE: Phone is the default setting. Call ID will show a 503 area code. Zoom or Skype available via email request.

One 60-Minute Session  
Save $60!
4-Pack of 60-Minute Sessions  
Save $300!

Reduced Rate Recorded Sessions:

NOTE: All recorded sessions are done via Zoom; video is optional. Your Zoom link will be in your confirmation email. You’ll receive another email within 24 hours after your appointment that includes a link to listen/watch/download your session.

One 60-Minute Recorded Session  
Save $60!
4-Pack of 60-Minute Recorded Sessions  
Save $300!

Regular rates

Regular Rate Phone or Video Sessions:

NOTE: Phone is the default setting. Call ID will show a 503 area code. Zoom or Skype available via email request.

60-Minute Session
4-Pack of 60-Minute Sessions  
Save $100!
10-Pack of 60-Minute Phone or Video Sessions  
Save $400!
20-Pack of 60-Minute Sessions  
Save $1000!

Regular Rate Recorded Sessions:

NOTE: All recorded sessions are done via Zoom; video is optional. Your Zoom link will be in your confirmation email. You’ll receive another email within 24 hours after your appointment that includes a link to listen/watch/download your session.

One 60-Minute Recorded Session
4-Pack of 60-Minute Recorded Video Sessions  
Save $100!
10-Pack of 60-Minute Recorded Sessions  
Save $400!
20-Pack of 60-Minute Recorded Sessions  
Save $1000!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


    Info About the Sessions

  1. FAQ: What can I expect during a session?

    ANSWER: Clarity. Peace. Connection and hope. You’ll receive exactly what’s needed and at the exact pace your body/consciousness can integrate. Dave can sense what’s needed in the moment specific to your situation. He may consult with you, or transmit energy healing, or intuit steps and exercises on-the-spot for you. You’ll feel empowered with tools that you can use on your own, anywhere at any time to maintain your newly attained clarity or healthier state.

  2. FAQ: What types of pain, illness, and challenges are typically addressed?

    ANSWER: Dave has found that most physical and emotional symptoms — or an inability to manage life circumstances — are an end result of repressed energies and emotions and/or taking on too much energy from others. These energetic blockages can hinder your: health; mental clarity; intuitive guidance; relationships; finances; and so much more. Dave identifies and addresses these very specific energetic blockages on the causal level.

    Dave is not an MD and cannot/will not prescribe, diagnose, or “treat” any medical diagnosis — ever, rather he will focus on and help you transform the underlying causal energies responsible for life’s challenges.

  3. FAQ: How many sessions will it take?

    ANSWER: Dave recommends that if anyone ever gives you a definitive answer to this question, run the other way ASAP! When dealing with such serious matters, it’s not in your best interest for anyone to predict the future. There are just too many variables to promise anything; for example, what's being addressed and the willingness of each person to do what it takes to get results. Given the right combination of the circumstance; however, oftentimes very few sessions are needed to see results in reversing symptoms of even chronic situations.

  4. FAQ: How often are sessions needed?

    ANSWER: Ideally, new clients should schedule 1 to 2 weeks between sessions to allow ultimate integration of the work that’s been done. Doing too much too soon and/or pushing through often creates more tension — which is partly why many people reach out to begin with!

  5. FAQ: What can I expect after the session?

    ANSWER: To minimize or eliminate the chances of intense ‘detoxification symptoms’ we tune into your body’s needs and your specific situation. You will receive what your body can handle, allowing you to integrate at a pace that’s needed for the work to become more permanent. After the session, it is recommended to journal even if you’re not good at it, or as in yoga, take Shavasana (Corpse Pose). Most forms of down time are also helpful to integrate the work.

  6. FAQ: Why are your rates so inexpensive relative to what is accomplished in your sessions?

    ANSWER: This work is not covered by insurance, so Dave keeps his rates within reach of most people looking to affect positive change in themselves and the world. Also, a high percentage of people who need healing have been unable to work due to their health challenges. They’re on disability, unemployed, etc., and have already spent thousands on well-meaning practitioners, but still getting nowhere. Therefore, Dave offers a Reduced Rate so you can receive exactly what you need at an affordable rate.

  7. FAQ: I’ve had such great results; how can I help others receive this work?

    ANSWER: Word of mouth is the best form of sharing the work. Feel free to share your experience with others, post on social media, buy a book for them, or all of the above!

  8. FAQ: Is a Reduced Rate available?

    ANSWER: Reduced Rate Private Sessions are available.

  9. FAQ: Are these sessions compatible with Western or Eastern medicine or even more traditional energetic modalities?

    ANSWER: Absolutely. Your results with those modalities may even be enhanced by this work. It’s best to address all possible layers from the emotional and energetic to the psychological and physical. Please take into account as many opinions as needed and do what feels best to you.

  10. FAQ: Are Phone or Video sessions as effective as In-Person sessions?

    ANSWER: Dave has found all sessions—regardless of physical proximity—to be equally effective.

  11. FAQ: What if I'm doing the exercises in the book but not getting the desired results?

    ANSWER: While you may resonate fully with these concepts, it can still take some time for your body to catch up to your mind. Just like learning a new language, what's consciously repeated enough eventually becomes an unconscious habit, so go easy on yourself with these tools! Also, it is said that energetically speaking, you can access on average up to eleven times deeper information when safe space is being held. This means deeper healing, more whole body integration and quicker results when working with Dave vs. doing it on your own.

  12. FAQ: Is there anything I should do to prepare for my session?

    ANSWER: It is recommended, though not necessary to read  Empathipedia: Healing for Empaths & Highly Sensitive Persons prior to your first session.

    You are a participant in the triune of healing. Dave and Source will do their parts, and you’ll get better results the more open you are to the reading and to the energy work.

  13. FAQ: Are the sessions recorded?

    ANSWER: If you select the Recording Option, your Zoom link will be in your confirmation email. Within 24 hours of your session’s end, you’ll be sent a link to listen to, watch, and/or download your session. All this for just $5 extra!

  14. Is This Work Right for You?

  15. FAQ: Is this work helpful if I’m in extreme pain or have a medical emergency?

    ANSWER: Acute/extreme pain & emergencies are best managed by Western medicine. The work that I and others like me do generally requires focus not easily attained when in extreme pain.

  16. FAQ: Do I have to be religious or believe in any deity for this work to be effective? Is it new age or ultra woo-woo?

    ANSWER: This work is non-denominational. And you can believe in or not believe in anything or anyone for this work to be effective. All of your spiritual beliefs are supported 100%.

  17. FAQ: Can Dave help me determine if I’m an empath?

    ANSWER: Dave can intuit if you are Highly Sensitive or Empathic or both during your initial consult or session.

  18. FAQ: Still unsure about working with Dave? (But, if you’re intuitive, you probably already know! Do you think you found this page by accident?!)

    ANSWER: Dave offers a free 15-minute Discovery Call!

  19. Scheduling / Payment / Changing or Canceling Your Appointment

  20. FAQ: How do I schedule my free 15-minute First Contact: Discovery Call?
  21. FAQ: How do I pay for a session?

    ANSWER: The link for payment is in your email confirmation you received when making your appointment.

  22. FAQ: What is your cancelation policy?

    ANSWER: You will be charged for the full session if you cancel less than 24 hours of your session. Of course, life is often unpredictable and when an emergency arises, please notify us and we can discuss exceptions to this rule.

  23. FAQ: How do I change or cancel an appointment?

    ANSWER: If you need to postpone or cancel your session, use the link provided in your confirmation email that you received when you first scheduled your session. If you've deleted that email, please write to us stating your request here. Please be aware of the 24-hour, full responsibility cancellation policy.

  24. FAQ: How can I change my session from a non-recorded to a recorded session?

    ANSWER: The recording fee is just $5 per session!

    After payment (links below), Dave will manually adjust (may take a day or so) your session type, and you’ll get a new appointment confirmation, complete with your Zoom link. Your Zoom link will also be in your reminder email sent 48 hours prior to your session(s).

    For 1 session, click here.
    For a 4-pack, click here.

  25. FAQ: Do I need to read the book before scheduling a session?

    ANSWER: It is recommended, though not necessary to read  Empathipedia: Healing for Empaths & Highly Sensitive Persons prior to your first session. Dave can summarize the key points for you in the first session.

  26. FAQ: Can I book two 1-hour sessions in one day?

    ANSWER: It is not recommended. You will get what your body can handle in your one-hour session, never too little or too much. Overdoing it can cause intense detoxification symptoms, so we work very carefully and methodically to address your concerns at the level that is needed.

“Many people in the spiritual/self-help communities talk about the concept of ‘allowing your emotions’, but you are able to hold my ‘virtual’ hand and walk with me through my difficult emotions—AND—teach me to do it for myself. Thank YOU!!! 
You are truly a gift and have a very unique talent.”
– Sherri K, Charlotte NC


Inspires me to go deeper into my own knowing

Christine Green
“I have been blessed with Dave’s clarity and inner wisdom. I
[ Read more ]
– Christine Green, spiritual mentor, author, Conscious Choices: A Woman’s Guide to Clarity, Courage and Connection, Portland, OR

Freedom from empathically transmitted wounds…

Melinda Iverson Inn
Dave Markowitz has the remarkable ability to help us sensitive types go deep...
[ Read more ]
Melinda Iverson Inn, Soul Conversations With Kids®, Health and Relationship Intuitive for Families

Guides you to your inner knowing…

“Dave doesn’t just put you on a table and heal you like some healers might, but he guides you to your inner knowing
[ Read more ]
– Darlene

I can take a deep, deep breath for the first time…!

Eliza R.
“So - yesterday's session kind of blew my mind. Even today
[ Read more ]
– Eliza R., Musician, Part-time Teacher, Pennsylvania, USA

A greater state of wholeness, peace and safety...

Karen McPhee
“I've always loved Dave's healing sessions. With Dave's keen
[ Read more ]
Karen McPhee, intuitive coach, Calgary, Alberta Canada

A radiant light, so helpful to get at the cause… I am at my own 100% now…

Heather D. Straube
“I really want to thank you, Dave, for helping me yesterday.
[ Read more ]
– Heather D. Straube, Intuitive Counselor, Channeler of Orion & Director of Quaking Grass Wellness Center

Identified and released the final block in my journey from chronic fatigue to wellness…

“I am beyond grateful to Dave as he was able to identify and
[ Read more ]
– MLL, Artist, Portland, Oregon

Priceless but also simple and effective…

Melissa F
“I’ve worked with Dave at least 4 times one on one & I’ve
[ Read more ]
– Melissa F, Akron Ohio USA


Laurell Eden
Your Return to Sender exercise created a healthy closeness, instead of a ‘healthy’ distance!..
[ Read more ]
Laurell Eden, spiritual song writer and teacher, NYC

I highly recommend his expertise…

Sheila Balestrino DO
“Dave Markowitz is a Portal of Love and Light. His resonance is
[ Read more ]
– Sheila Balestrino DO,
Board Certified Family Medicine Physician,
Mars, PA, USA

His empathy envelops and his insight illuminates

“I kept seeing Dave Markowitz’s name cropping up in
[ Read more ]
– Anonymous, Exec PA, Santa Barbara, CA, USA

Changed my life for the better

“After meeting Dave at an event, I had a session with him. In
[ Read more ]
– Charmel, Retired home caregiver

[ Read More Testimonials ]

“I recently saw Dave Markowitz in Portland, and scheduled some time with him -- not to ask him questions, or to receive messages from Source, but to Thank him, and offer my gratitude and tell him my story.

[ Read more ]
– Nina Kirby, Mount Shasta

“I remember starting a session with Dave a few months ago and I was pretty down. I felt stuck, kinda dark. By the end of our session, I was happy and even smiling. It’s amazing how things can change when you’re given a different perspective as possibility. Thanks Dave

[ Read more ]
– Tracy D, Selkirk, Manitoba, Canada
“I’ve been aware of Dave’s work for a few years after seeing him interviewed by Lee Harris. I read his book Empathipedia and loved it, I eventually booked a private call with him. I was struggling with a life and work burn out at the time. The clarity I came away with is still useful for me to this day. It helped quite a bit at the
[ Read more ]
– Elizabeth Grant
“After attending several of Dave Markowitz' workshops and watching him work with others, I bought his books and keep them by my bedside, finding them helpful, insightful, practical, readable and healing. I highly recommend him.”
– Lillie Weiss, Ph.D., retired psychologist and author of Therapist Guide to Self-Care
“Working with Dave is an essential part of my continued growth. He gets right to the heart of the matter, and can intuit what I'm carrying that's ready to be let go. I'm so grateful for the gifts he shares with the world. Long live Dave!”
– AFC, Seattle, WA
“Thank you from the very bottom of my heart. Soon after our short meeting, something happened inside me, something good, something realistic and something freeing. I suddenly realized 1) that my suffering for my father's curses and blasphemies is a consequence of what I did in an ancient past, and 2) as a baby, I internalized both my
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– Ebe, Artist, Italy

“I am so grateful, and loved my experience with you…

I have been to many healers. I got so much out of being involved in the healing/experience. As far as the way you guided/talked me thru the experience. I was an active participant in my healing experience in a different way than I have been before. It was so Cool!!  I have felt a difference in my meditations, and I walked away with a different perspective on the meaning of "no judgment"

[ Read more ]
– Claire B., Medical Technician, Seattle, WA

“My session with you is not what I expected, yet it was powerful. My intention for the session was to be open to your suggestions and guidance, and what happened for me is that you kept mirroring my own wisdom and guidance back to me! It really helps to have guides like yourself.

[ Read more ]
– LW, Washington, USA
“Dave is an amazing healer! After being introduced to his work through this site I scheduled an appointment to meet with him. His method of helping others get beyond their emotional blocks is unique. He is able to hold the space for self-healing like no other healer or therapy I have experienced. My sense of his new book is that for us
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– Cora

“Hi Dave, I wanted to especially thank you for this afternoon's session! You have been helping me for a while but today I felt like I might have actually got what you have been so patiently telling me all these months(?) It really helps me personally that you don't push anything, as its my nature (like a little child's) to resist. Intellectually understanding & being open are different things & I am beginning to appreciate that (thanks to you).

[ Read more ]
– Asha B., homemaker, Plano TX

“I initially contacted Dave for ringing in my right ear. Our sessions have since developed into healing more than my right ear. In addition to the ringing in my ear, I was experiencing head pain; however, I didn’t pay much attention to it. The ringing in my ear was my focus. When I mentioned to Dave that my ENT doctor had asked me if I had injured my head and that I had said “no”, Dave suggested that perhaps the injury had occurred to someone I knew.

[ Read more ]
– Katie B., DoD Instructor Supervisor, San Antonio, TX

“My issue has been lack of income... It was a very uneventful meeting on the surface, but I began to feel profound shifts within a few days. 

...In the past few weeks and days I've experienced an intensification of the healing. I am feeling definitely more grounded, more in the flow, more compassionate and unconditionally loving.

[ Read more ]
– Carrie, Portland, OR
“Thank you for your help during our recent session. I was so anxious and self-conscious, and your kind and calm approach was both reassuring and uplifting. I have been following your advice and am already seeing a difference. The knowledge that three-quarters of what I'm carrying is from other people has energised me like nothing else
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– Z, The Netherlands
“I am one of those people who has been at this for way too many years and find myself still "stuck" in many ways. Finding Dave was a gift from the Divine. I don't even remember how it happened, only that I will always be grateful for this wonderful new connection. Dave tells me the truth, whether or not it is what I want to
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– Joya Skye, Ashland, OR

“Just wanted to thank you for what you did for me. It's such a curious thing to me how I can sit for a few hours meditating with someone about my health and well being, and transformation occurs. I have not had tremors in my chest since I saw you, I rarely feel intense anxiety and the depression has lifted. I feel as if I have come home to myself.

[ Read more ]
– Dena Wilder, Portland, Yoga/Recreational Therapist

“I want to thank you again for the incredible session that we had on friday.... I sent a letter out to my 'sensitives' friends about the session and the work you do plus the YouTube interview clip…

[ Read more ]
– P.R., NE USA
Erin Brandt
“What a remarkable experience. You have so much clarity and insight. You categorize my statements of strong emotions and suggest a statement or perspective that totally reframes, diffuses, and solves the issue. Leaving your office was remarkable. I saw people so completely differently. They looked so human and bright and different. Plus,
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Erin Brandt, MS, LMT, CPT, San Francisco, CA
Celeste Brash
“For about two years I had one leg that I couldn't lower down to a simple cross-legged position; it didn't hurt but one massage therapist who did some muscle testing on it had suggested that I no longer seemed to have use of the muscle in my inner thigh. When I told Dave about this he asked me if I took on other people's problems and
[ Read more ]
Celeste Brash, Author, Travel Writer, Portland, OR
“I just want to thank you again for what you provided me! Yesterday was a powerful day for me in that I experienced what I perceived as a life-threatening event that morning only to end the day with your oh-so accurate, soul penetrating observations. As I mentioned yesterday, the timing of these two events taking place on the same
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– Teresa Southwell, graphic designer, Houston, TX
Sonya Wilder
“A session with Dave is one that must be experienced. He is clearly knowledgeable about the body, and open to a higher energy. He was completely in tuned to my energy, accurately describing my behavior, emotions, and actions that lead me to imbalance in my life. He listened, assessed, then gave me visual and energetic tools to use when I
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Sonya Wilder, Personal Trainer, Nutrition and Cleanse Counselor
“I just thought I would update you on my progress. The knee/leg/back gets stronger day by day. That being said, after our last session, I was expecting this flood of love. Much to my surprise, it has been and still is a gentle awakening to love. As I said before, I have studied The Course for about 20 years and your book went hand in
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– KC, Plano, TX
Annette Zito
“I booked a private session with Dave with hopes to restore a tired larynx/voice to its former place. That session taught me so much about myself and expression, and his healing made such an impact. I went to see him all scratchy and cracked after two days of laryngitis, and came out an hour later with a marked resonance, clarity and
[ Read more ]
Annette Zito, Marketing Consultant, Tuckahoe
Rev. Catherine Cusumano
“Dave's work helped me move beyond the point of "stuck" that had become my new normal. Our sessions began the process of movement so that I was able to complete the transition on my own. Something I simply not been able to do before. I'm deeply grateful for the work I did with Dave. It changed my life for the better.”
Rev. Catherine Cusumano, Owner, Willing Health Acupuncture, PC
“My private session was exactly what I needed; to me Dave's work is perfect medicine. A scary and dangerous precancerous condition (plus another condition) turned out to be a blessing – a beautiful message from my body/soul about my life's mission! Suddenly it all makes sense. As a result, I now see that my illness – one of
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– Sandra B., editor, musician, artist, Brooklyn, NY
“I called in from the UK for healing with my heart problem I have had for so many years now. I just wanted to thank you so much for the healing because I have never felt anything like it in my life and this is the first day so far I can honestly say I have no pain now. You work miracles and I can't recommend you highly enough.”
– Robert, spiritual medium/healer, United Kingdom
“I just wanted to thank you for all your insight, and you told me a lot of things that provoked me to take new directions in my life, and to think critically about my own thought process which in turn has led me to a new level of joy and excitement. I also wanted to let you know that the anxiety is no longer an issue, and the stomach
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– Ben, 19 years old, Buffalo, NY
“Dear David, I am very grateful for our session today.I used to think I was full of toxins and when I finished detoxing I would be cured. Well, part was true; I was toxic due to my emotional upbringing, so I did need to detox (the original cause)...Thanks so much for your insight and guidance – you have quite a gift! I am thrilled
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– Joyce T., Arizona, USA
“I have had many sessions with Dave over the past few years and each time I come away with new awareness and insights to guide me on my spiritual path. It’s like walking with a dear friend who is aware of what my soul needs and holds space for me to discover it. Sometimes I will have a phone session that he lovingly calls
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– Kathleen, Salem, Oregon
“When I was going through a though time recently -- out of nowhere I get a message from him checking up on me. I was honest with Dave about my situation and he said he would send me healing energy. That was truly Special. He is always there for all of us and I feel incredibly blessed to have him in my life. Thank you Dave.”
– Carolina Henao, Miami FL

[ Collapse Expanded Testimonials Section ]

*These are unreimbursed client testimonials showing you what’s possible. Transformation is a team effort; your results may vary.


Due to the nature of intuited guidance and energywork, your results will vary dependent on a variety of factors. Dave is not an MD and cannot/will not diagnose, cure, prescribe, prognosticate, or “treat” any person and their medical diagnosis, rather, he will focus on and guide you in transforming what he believes are the underlying causal energies that are often responsible for life’s challenges. Guidance and energywork are not intended to replace medical care in any way, shape, or form. Dave Markowitz and any associates thereof make no medical claims whatsoever and assume no liability of any kind for the (mis)interpretation or (mis)implementation of this text, written, spoken or implied. Simply use what resonates with you and discard the rest. Remember, it’s always best to appreciate and heed the advice given by your Doctor.

If you are feeling suicidal, please call the National Suicide Prevention Crisis Line: 1.800.273.TALK (8255). If you are facing a medical emergency, call your local Emergency Services: 911 (used mostly in the Americas) or 112 (used in Europe and parts of Asia).