Workshops & Courses for Empaths, Sensitives, and Intuitives

You bring the questions...
Dave channels the answers.


Join Dave in this new format to get your questions answered, feel connected to others in a safe environment, and be guided through exercises to help you understand and heal your symptoms at the root!

Volunteers will be chosen at random for readings, intuited guidance, or energy healing for their health challenge.

It’s like a semi-private session with Dave with the added benefit of meeting new friends.

Our combined energy will co-create a loving, supportive environment where you can feel free to explore whatever is ailing you!


Your journey can inspire hundreds or even thousands of others going through something similar. To maintain confidentiality and to also help spread the message that there is hope no matter what your challenge, this event will be made available on YouTube and other social media sites, but no one will see you unless you turn your camera on, so rest assured your confidentiality will never be broken.

“If we were meant to heal on our own, we would have been given 8 billion planets, one person each.”
-unknown author

Just use the sign-up form below and you’ll be sent the Zoom link right away!



To best protect yourself from others’ energy, it is highly recommended (though not necessary) to apply the tools in the first two chapters of Empathipedia: Healing for Empaths & Highly Sensitive Persons prior to each session.



  1. All modules will be over Zoom. Your video participation is optional. Recordings will be posted to social media. See disclaimer below.
  2. Monday, Oct 28, 2024
  3. Start/End Times:
    • 1:00pm – 2:00pm PST
    • 4:00pm – 5:00pm EST
    • 9:00pm – 10:00pm London
    • 6:00am – 7:00am Tuesday, Oct 29 in Sydney, Australia
  4. Pay what you can and register below.

Sign-Up Here:

  1. Fill in the requested info below.
  2. Pay what you can at the link below and you’ll be sent the call-in info from [hidden email] — Please add that email to your list of approved senders.
  • First Name:  
    Last Name
  • Email address you’d like your confirmation and call-in details sent to:
  • Backup Email address in case there’s a problem with your primary:
  • Required
  • To be kept in the loop about events and helpful articles for better living, may we sign you up for the newsletter? Your information will never be shared or sold in any way, and you can always opt out at any time.
  • Who can we thank for your referral?
  • Disclaimer:

    Due to the nature of this event, your results will vary dependent on a variety of factors. Empath Healing Hotline is not intended to replace medical care in any way, shape, or form. Dave is not an MD and cannot/will not prescribe, diagnose, or “treat” any medical diagnosis nor guarantee results — ever, rather he will focus on guiding the process via intuition and co-creating a safe space. Volunteers are also chosen via intuition and there is no guarantee that your name will be called.

    By participating in this event, you are also granting permission to Dave Markowitz, LLC to use your image, likeness, and voice in recordings that will made available to the public. I hereby waive and release from liability, and covenant not to sue Dave Markowitz / Dave Markowitz, LLC / or any media where this was broadcast for any loss, injury, illness, or damage that arises during or after my participation resulting from my attendance online.

    If you are feeling suicidal, please call the National Suicide Prevention Crisis Line: 1.800.273.TALK (8255). If you are facing a medical emergency, call your local Emergency Services: 911 (used mostly in the Americas) or 112 (used in Europe and parts of Asia).

    I am aware I am responsible for my own healing and safety.