4 Powerful Words to Get You Through Self-Doubt

January 20th, 2015
4 Powerful Words to Get You Through Self-Doubt



“It’s time you stepped up to the big-time, Dave” she said.

“What do you mean?” I replied.

“Your workshop numbers have been consistently higher than the rest. We want you to speak on the same bill as Deepak Chopra at the Javitz Center; we’re expecting 5,000 people. Are you interested?”

I thought to myself, “This is it; this is the break I’ve been waiting for! And to speak with the man most responsible for formulating my understandings of mind-body medicine?” “Yes!” I told her, a huge emphatic, YES!

A few months later I’m watching the mentor I’ve never actually met work the room. He was present, funny, informative, deep, and transformational. I couldn’t control my mind: “He is the master, I am the student. I have no business being here. Who am I? How dare I think I could do this! The audience is gonna hate me. I barely even remember what I’m supposed to talk about…”

“And now, an up-and-coming medical intuitive…” I was announced.

As I approached the stage, from somewhere way beneath the waves of fear, torment, and huge self-doubt, a voice of calm arose:

“It’s not about you,” it said.

These 4 words changed my experience from fear to love. From doubt to confidence. From the ego to heart.

As I remembered, “It’s not about me,” the lecture went flawlessly. I too was present, funny, informative, deep, and transformational. In fact, I got a standing ovation and Deepak didn’t. Granted, I had just a led an exercise where I had everyone stand up, but still…


“It’s not about you.”

Each attendee or cllient or even friend can tell a thousand people about you, or no one. You can't control that. You can only control who you're being.  

It’s about you operating from the awareness that by sharing your gift, you are in alignment with all of creation. As the Creator works through you—through song, lecture, or the best tofu recipe ever—you reap all the rewards you’ve ever wanted, plus some. But there’s no more chasing. No more waiting for your one, big break. It all just shows up. And all the self-doubt you've ever had is gone. 

Well, not really.

But it is more manageable in each moment.

And despite the well meaning books and workshops that promise the contrary, it's more about getting through the self doubt than uninstalling it.

Meaning, that self-doubt is never going to be gone fully. Accept it. Embrace it. Repeat the 4 words. And you'll get through it. 



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Disclaimer: The author of this article does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this article for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.